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Incubator Company Profile

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Founded by Dr. Ke Cheng, HistoWiz has accelerated research and discovery by providing automated histology and pathology solutions. As highlighted on their website,

"the absence of a comprehensive and annotated Whole Slide Imaging (WSI) repository posed significant challenges for histopathology data collaboration and rendered bioinformatics-driven discoveries unattainable. HistoWiz undertook a groundbreaking initiative to dismantle these data silos by digitizing histology slides from various academic institutions and pharmaceutical companies"

One of the first companies to set up in the Incubator space, HistoWiz provides sevices to over 1,500 clients including Stanford University, Regeneron,  Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, Celgene to name a few. 

What was your original vision for Histowiz and how did you move from the idea to the company’s founding?


The original vision for HistoWiz was to automate and streamline the manual and time-consuming processes in histology work to deliver faster turnaround times. Recognizing the bottleneck in cancer research due to traditional histopathology methods, our founder aimed to accelerate the pace of scientific discovery through automated tissue processing and introducing digital pathology solutions. We were one of the first companies to start digitizing glass slides, as a part of our routine histopathology services. This vision led to the founding of HistoWiz within the supportive environment of the SUNY Downstate Biotech Incubator.


How did you first hear of Downstate and the Biotech Incubator? Why was it appealing for you?


We were drawn to Downstate for its blend of academic rigor and entrepreneurial spirit. With the support of Dr. Eva Cramer, HistoWiz was one of the first companies to move into the Biotech Incubator. It also fostered a network of researchers and start-up founders in its ecosystem. Many of the companies in the incubator eventually became HistoWiz customers for our histology services, as we were able to serve as research core for histopathology. The Start-Up NY benefit was also an attractive bonus that helped in the company’s early recruitment.


What role did Downstate play in helping you get your work off the ground and to the next level?


Downstate played a pivotal role in HistoWiz's journey from an idea to a thriving company. The incubator's resources and community provided the initial launchpad, enabling the company to build its foundational operations and expand its reach. We also participated in many of the events and workshops put on by the incubator staff to connect with other founders and management teams. This support gave us valuable experience and helped us build our initial customer base and collaborate within the academic community.


Where do you see Histowiz going, and what has Downstate done for the company as it moves

into its next phases?

As HistoWiz looks to the future, we aim to further innovate within digital pathology for researchers. Downstate’s Incubator continues to play a vital role in our strategy. Over the last year, we have transformed our space within the Biotech Incubator into an innovation lab, where we develop the operations of new strategic initiatives, in line with the core mission of the Downstate Incubator.

Notably, we are expanding our slide scanning operations, in a new initiative to partner with hospitals and biopharma customers who are interested in digitizing their pathology slide archives. HistoWiz provides a proprietary platform, PathologyMapTM, for our customers to experience their data in a digital format, gaining access to tools for slide viewing, slide file management and data analysis. The Incubator and its leadership have continued to be supportive in our growth and helping us find opportunities for expansion. Further, Dr. Eva Cramer has continued to help make introductions to partners and potential

customers for HistoWiz.


What strengths does Downstate’s research enterprise have that made coming here attractive to you, and how has the university aided your growth?

Downstate’s heavy focus on research and its rich ecosystem of scientists and innovators have

provided the perfect environment for HistoWiz to flourish. We have made connections with

many partners and customers within the incubator and the SUNY Downstate academic

community. We’ve been able to share experiences and expertise with many likeminded

founders. Moreover, the Downstate Incubator’s strategic location in Brooklyn, NY, positioned

HistoWiz in the center of a huge talent pool, potential customers and partners. We’ve actually

recruited many researchers, scientists, and interns from the SUNY Downstate ecosystem.

What advice do you have for our students who are interested in careers as scientist entrepreneurs?


For students interested as scientist-entrepreneurs, my advice is to be resilience and adaptable.

There are so many challenges and uncertainties that arise in the course of starting a company –

like a global pandemic, for example – and the journey requires a lot of perseverance, but the

rewards and immense impact on science and society make it all worth it. Also, seek out

ecosystems that support innovation, like the Downstate Biotech Incubator! You’ll learn more

from others who have done it or are doing it than you’ll ever learn studying out of a book. Most

importantly, hold fast to your vision, but be ready and willing to pivot when the circumstances

demand. Find mentors, find good advisors. And if you want some experience and to see the

inner-workings of a start-up, apply for a job / internship with HistoWiz!

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